PFL Trade Notice – Change of Bunker Naming Convention
Dear Valued Customers,
Further to our announcement on unpredictable fluctuations in fuel prices, we want to make it clear
the naming convention we will use for our bunker surcharge from here on.
We will no longer use Low Sulphur Recovery (LSR) in our terminology. From 15th April onwards, this
will be replaced with Bunker Adjustment Factor (BAF). This better reflects our fuel mix and aligns with
common industry terminology.
The below BAF surcharges to apply from 15th of April 2022 replaces our LSF surcharge. The BAF
surcharge is not additional to our LSF.
Notes: Reefers – to be applied at a trade coefficient of 1.5 per TEU of dry, or USD901.50 per TEU.
We thank you for your understanding on this matter and for your continued support. Should you have
any further questions or queries please contact your Pacific Forum Line representative.
Yours sincerely,
Pacific Forum Line